Friday, October 26, 2007

Filling you in...

At the end of July I was getting a hug before leaving for work and when I was released from the hug I didn't have control of my arms or legs and I fell to the floor. After a few moments had passed I regained control. Around this same time I began getting headaches and neck pain which I attributed to the stress of my job and sitting in front of a computer all day. About 3 weeks later I had another drop attack at home. The headaches and neck pain became more frequent. What finally got me convinced to go get checked out was I had a drop attack at work soon after. I was embarrassed and frusterated. "What is wrong with me?" I thought. I have played this question over and over in my head. As I was checking into the urgent care they stated that they would put me at the top of the list. I felt so bad for the little runny nose babies waiting to be seen as well that I was thrown in front of them in line.The urgent care doctor told me that she didn't find anything wrong with me and to stop sitting on my feet. She also advised me to see a regular MD and be checked out for MS. Two weeks go by and I go in to see an MD about being tested for MS. This doctor requested an MRI which I promptly schedualed and went in for. Three days after my MRI I received a call with the results. "Hello Amanda? Hi, I just am calling with your MRI results. We have determined you don't have MS." I breathed a sigh of relief. Before I could get too comfortable with that answer the voice on the other line added. "But you do have Chiari Malformation." She went on to spew some medical terms which I didn't understand. So basically she told me the diagnosis and spelled it for me and that was the end of the conversation. I didn't know what to do. I did the only thing I knew to do when I don't know or understand. Yup, scour the internet for answers. I found a ton of information. Lots of which scared the hell out of me. They did schedule one more MRI to determine if I had a Syrinx, which I am fortunate enough to not have. But they didn't tell me what to do next. I battled with nurses and schedualers to try to be seen by a neurologist so I could have a consult and begin trying to fix me. After calling every day for a week and a half I had an apointment. Since then I have had several more drop attacks and mo
re menacing symptoms. I began having these bad headaches, extreme fatigue, head and neck pain, I feel dizzy often, and have trouble getting my eyes to focus. My limbs also feel tingly and numb on occasion.Today I had my second appointment with Dr.F,my first neurologist. After a second consult and reviewing my EEG, MRA, and all three of my MRI's he determined that my symptoms were not from seizures or blood vessel problems and that in his professional opinion it was in fact the Chiari causing my symptoms and the surgery would be the only treatment to correct it.Being a good doctor he also encouraged me to receive a second opinion and speak to a neurosurgeon.

Dr.F's nurse is coordinating with Mayo Clinic to to get me in to a neurologist and a neurosurgeon to get additional opinions. So that's where I'm at. Waiting. Taking it breath by breath.



lori said...

remember girl im here for u if u need anything!! good luck and ill give u my number @ work one of these days. u r the strongest person i have ever met and if anybody can make it thru this i know its u. thanks for being someone i consider to be one of my friends, and being the great and wonderful person u r. stay sweet chicky!!!!!

Unknown said...

Dear Amanda,

This is your (second?) cousin, Jeanne. I read your blog and my heart goes out to you. We have not had enough time together to know each other well over the years, more is the pity. It won't prevent me from staying up to date on your progress through your dad and this blog. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. With your wonderful attitude, you WILL beat this. Trust me, I know what its like to have people doubt your health problems and that makes it harder to bear. I am here for you any time you need to chat.
Much love,

Mommy said...

My Dearest Manda-Panda,
There isn't one second that goes by that You are not on my mind. Through the years when times have been hard and I wanted to give up, you have been my comic relief and my ray of sunshine. You never failed to make me laugh so hard I would cry. I could always count on you.I hope that I can be that for you now.You are a true SuperStar!!
Just remember-if you need to cry, then cry but don't forget to laugh
and take something positive from everyday.I love you more everyday and believe that we will get though this and come out on the other side even stronger.
Love you TonsXXX000 ect.
Your Mommy