Friday, November 23, 2007

Holiday & myofascial

So Thanksgiving was great. Good food and even better company.
During the vacation Roberto said, "You sleep alot." LOL. This coming from the guy who would sleep until 11am every day of the weekend if he could. I responded, "Well if I'm up at 7 or 8 am on the weekend and I go to bed around 11pm...if my body says 'nap.' then a little nap after dinner isn't too bad." Now exact words are hard to remember but I'm pretty sure it was along those lines. :) I have had some aches and pains (normal) but I have really had to slow down this weekend. See, I take after my Mother. A slow day or a day for taking it easy is doing everything you normally do except you sit down and watch a movie in the evening. I have a hard time just sitting and being lazy on the couch for a whole day...but! I did it this weekend. I didn't have a choice spending the weekend with his family I didn't cook or run any errands. Nothing. I helped pick up the house and tend to the pooches but really I didn't do anything. I thought of it and laughed because it was kinda like training for recovery. Hahaha. If I do have to have this surgery then I will need to spend alot of time just relaxing and laying around. I guess I can justify anything. Anywhoooooo...

I had my first myofascial release apt on last Tuesday and it went well. I really like my PT. We spoke of my symptoms and what I would like this therapy to do for me. I told him of the pain and the symptoms and how I just need help managing the pain with out drugs and maybe help alleviate some of the symptoms. He did mention that there is always a chance that this may not help, but we won't know until we try it. So coming out of my first appointment I was sore and achy but optimistic that with a few more sessions that it will help.

I hope every one had a really nice long weekend and I look forward to hearing about all of your holiday weekends and adventures.


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